Jalen Allen ’08
4th-6th Grade Science, Technology, & Engineering Teacher, 6th Grade Dean, Middle School Advisor, and Summer Camp Coordinator
We’re getting messy today.
I earned my BA in Environmental Studies in 2017 from the University of Hawaii in Manoa. While in school, I served for four years as a Youth Development Specialist for the Boys and Girls Club where I ran summer camps and afterschool programs for elementary students.
After graduating and returning to San Francisco, I was a substitute and Extended Day teacher at SFS for a year which inspired me to pursue my masters degree and teaching credential. I attended the BATTI (Bay Area Teacher Training Institute) program while interning at SFS in the Second and Third Grades. I completed the BATTI program in spring 2020 and joined SFS as a full time faculty member in Fall 2020.
My SFS journey continues as I step into the new roles of an Elementary STEAM Specialist and faculty trustee.