The Gaven Street Gazette
Summer 2022
In this edition of the Gaven Street Gazette, we report on the steady return to the quintessential SFS after more than two years in a global pandemic. As the Strategic Plan 2017-2022 comes to a close, we reflect on some of our recent progress in realizing its initiatives, including the School’s commitment to anti-racism and the Family Association’s community building work.
As always, we celebrate milestone anniversaries as well as the retirement of Vivian Walz, who has contributed to SFS in so many ways. And we bring lots of news on a belated retirement celebration for Laura Burges, Doug Goodkin, and Maggie Weis, as well as another installation of Here’s the Scoop: Mud Pies With SFS Alumni, featuring Ginger Jackson-Gleich ’99 and Moriah Ortiz ’99 (with Molly Rose Treadway ’99).
If you haven’t received your copy of the Gazette, please update your contact information!
Posted August 05, 2022