• <div class="intro-image fullscr-image"><img src="/live/image/gid/4/width/1200/height/410/crop/1/3593_Class_of_2010_mural_copy.rev.1599083338.jpg" alt="mural" width="1200" height="410" class="featurePhoto" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/4/width/1200/height/410/crop/1/3593_Class_of_2010_mural_copy.rev.1599083338.jpg 2x" data-max-w="2842" data-max-h="980"/></div>
  • <div class="intro-image fullscr-image"><img src="/live/image/gid/4/width/1200/height/410/crop/1/3210_sfs-04-18-18_305_copy_2.rev.1531162071.jpg" alt="" width="1200" height="410" class="featurePhoto" data-max-w="2048" data-max-h="750"/></div>
  • <div class="intro-image fullscr-image"><img src="/live/image/gid/4/width/1200/height/410/crop/1/4182_SB_SFSchool_preschool_I_h41926V.2.rev.1689891327.jpg" alt="PS3" width="1200" height="410" class="featurePhoto" data-max-w="2392" data-max-h="1048"/></div>
  • <div class="intro-image fullscr-image"><img src="/live/image/gid/4/width/1200/height/410/crop/1/4137_SFS_220915__5055.rev.1672960448.jpg" alt="" width="1200" height="410" class="featurePhoto" srcset="/live/image/scale/2x/gid/4/width/1200/height/410/crop/1/4137_SFS_220915__5055.rev.1672960448.jpg 2x" data-max-w="3200" data-max-h="1231"/></div>

Our Mission

Equity & Justice

The San Francisco School is committed to modeling and promoting equity, justice, multiculturalism, environmental sustainability, and peace.

SFS Statement on Diversity, Equity, Justice, and Belonging

At the core of The San Francisco School are the values of diversity, equity, justice, and belonging. From what we teach to how we teach it, we commit to model  these values and instill them in our students. SFS actively supports all individuals to be their complete, authentic selves and fosters a community grounded in social and environmental justice. As a result of this effort, we aim for every person to thrive in an inclusive and culturally-rich context, fueled by diversity of thought, perspective, and experience, that enhances learning and supports the ability of individuals to fulfill their humanitarian promise.

The San Francisco School delivers on our mission by modeling and promoting equity, justice, interculturalism, neurodiversity, environmental sustainability, and peace in our work. SFS’s commitment to being an equitable and inclusive community is intentionally woven into every facet of the School experience. Whether it’s through academic and athletic opportunities, assemblies, school governance, committee work, or ongoing professional and curriculum development, SFS embraces each community member.

Hiring and Personnel Policies
  Intentional Diversity Recruitment Practices
    Affirmative Action
    Comprehensive Anti-Harassment Policy

    Public School and Diversity Recruitment
    Affirmative Action Admissions Practices
    Indexed Tuition Program
    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

Board of Trustees, Diversity Committee
    Proactive Purpose of Building an Inclusive Community
    Multicultural Matrix that Infuses Responsibility through the Institution
    Diversity and Affinity Group Events
    Parent/Guardian Multicultural Education

Board of Trustees, Public Purpose Committee
    Parent/Guardian Social Action Program
    Commitment to Institutional Responsibility at Neighborhood, Community, City, and Global levels
    Commitment to Educational Leadership

School Finances
    Morris Family Equity and Justice Endowment Fund
    All-Inclusive Tuition
    Indexed Tuition

Environmental Initiatives
    Solar Power (24KW) & 500-Gallon Rainwater Cistern
    Almost Zero Waste Program
    Organic Gardens and Natural Landscapingz
    School Bus