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Board of Trustees

Board Committees

If you are interested in learning more about a Board committee or participating in committee work, please contact our Board Chair Ali Gass.

  • Executive
    Chair: Josue Estrada
    The Executive Committee includes the President of the Board, the officers, the chairs of standing committees, and the Head of School. The Committee helps prepare the agenda for Board meetings, reviews committee reports, recommends resolutions, oversees Board and committee goals, and monitors the implementation of the Strategic Plan. The committee meets one to two weeks before each Board meeting.
  • Committee on Trustees
    Chair: Lori Karns
    The Committee on Trustees (COT) is chaired by the Vice Chair of the Board. The committee recruits potential trustees, orients new trustees, and attends to the ongoing training of all trustees. As part of the ongoing training, the committee organizes biannual board retreats and other special events to build understanding and camaraderie. The COT also nominates the Board officers. In February the committee expands with the addition of one non-board parent/guardian and one teacher to become the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee identifies and nominates candidates for openings on the Board.
  • Advancement 
    Chair: Ali Gass
    The Advancement Committee furthers the SFS mission through building enduring relationships and inspiring a culture of philanthropy, while providing strategic input and partnership to the SFS Advancement Office.
  • Equity and Belonging
    Chair: Thea Anderson ’90
    The purpose of the Committee on Equity and Belonging is to increase and support the overall diversity of the staff and student community by proposing policies and structures that honor and embrace each child and family at the school; and by promoting parent/guardian education and community-building events that cultivate a rich multicultural and inclusive school environment.
  • Finance
    Chair: John Palmer
    The Finance Committee, chaired by the Treasurer, develops and monitors the operating budget, capital budgets, investments, salary and benefit policies, and financial aspects of the Strategic Plan. The Investment Committee is a sub-committee of the Finance Committee.
  • Public Purpose
    Chair: Jen Faenza
    The Public Purpose Committee (PPC) works to promote student, adult, and institutional action at the neighborhood, educational, civic, and global levels. The committee supports parent/guardian, staff, and institutional programs that inspire San Francisco School adults to model humanitarian spirit; assures resources for school programs that empower students; and seeks avenues for The San Francisco School as an institution to be actively engaged in community partnerships that contribute to the public good. The Environmental Committee is a sub-committee of the Public Purpose Committee. 
  • Risk Management & Audit
    The Risk Management Committee identifies and explores potential risk concerns on campus and develops strategies to minimize these issues. In addition, it is charged with overseeing all aspects of the School’s annual financial auditing. It is the Board’s liaison with the auditor. This committee partners closely with the Business Office to ensure a timely and effective completion of the process.
  • Site
    The Site Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining the physical structures of the School. The committee oversees maintenance plans for current buildings, works with architects to develop plans for facility expansion or upgrades, researches land acquisition and suitability, and acts as liaison with appropriate agencies.